Welcome to Albania in Europe oh yeahhhh XD
Albania is located in southwestern part of the Balkan peninsula in southeastern Europe. It is bordered by the Yugoslav republics of Montenegro, Serbia, and Macedonia, and by Greece and the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. Albania has an area of 18,748 square kilometres (11,100 square miles), making it slightly smaller than Maryland. The capital, Tiranë, is situated in the west-central part of the country near the Adriatic Sea. (Encyclopedia of the Nations, 2014).
Albania. |
In Albania, the marriage there are socially and legally restricted to heterosexual couples. They usually are arranged at an early age in the countryside, traditionally by the parents of the groom with the help of a matchmaker rather than by the couple. *Sounds like Muslim huh?* Remaining unmarried is looked on as a great misfortune. In some mountain regions. the bride was stolen from her family, that is, spirited away by an armed bridegroom or by his male relatives and companions. This often symbolic though occasionally real theft of a bride was also a common custom among the Italo-Albanians of Calabria. In other regions, it was customary to purchase a wife. In zones such as Mirdite and the northern mountains, the father, brother, or another male relative of the bride still presents the groom with a bullet wrapped in straw. The new husband is thus free to kill his wife with the approval of her family, if she proves to be disobedient.
During the wedding, it was very important to fool evil spirits which, according to local beliefs, always seek to prevent newlyweds from good fortune. Within the first there nights after the marriage a young wife was obliged to resist having intimacy with her husband. That was done in order to prove the evil spirits that newly married were chaste and virtuous.
Enough for today, let us enjoy this "Traditional Albanian Wedding Dance" ! XD
Youtube : Traditional Albanian Wedding Dance
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