Friday, August 22, 2014

#5 Wedding traditions in Java

Welcome to Javaaaa, everyone ! We have explored a few wedding traditions in Samoa, Namibia, Kenya, and Surma. Now it is turn to the Asia. In one the of Java islands, the people there practice a wedding custom, but very weird and unique to the other eyes. In Malaysia to be exact, the couples pay the fee of marriage registration or course by using money of course. But in Java, whether you believe or not, the couples need to submit 25 rat tails to the local administration as a wedding fee, instead of money.Also,it costs 40 rat tails if the couple would like to have a divorce. (Odd Stuff Magazine, 2012). Sounds disgusting? Yes? Euuuuu. *Oh sorry, this is just a normal perception, still I do respect the culture ok? Do not misunderstanding.*
In Java, wedding is a means of fighting with the rats.
The rat tails. Can you imagine the bride and groom need to find 25 of them? Oh god.

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